New Single Screw Compounding Extruder
Chris Rauwendaal
REE, Inc.

Keywords: Single-screw, Compounding, Extruder

This paper presents a new compounding extruder that is essentially a single screw compounding extruder (SSCE) with many characteristics of a TSCE. The newly developed SSCE™ uses multiple ports along the barrel for a staged addition of the compound ingredients and volatile removal. Starve feeding is used to control the energy input and mixing; this allows the machine to run at high screw speed, as high as 1000 rpm, and high throughput.

The SSCE uses elongational mixing action to achieve efficient dispersive and distributive mixing. This allows the SSCE to achieve mixing capability comparable to TSCE. The purchase price of a SSCE is about half that if a TSCE, while the cost of running a SSCE is substantially lower as well due to simplified maintenance, reduced cost of spare parts, and improved wear characteristics.