pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Oral Presentation

Preparation of PBI/Reduced-Graphene Oxide Composite Membranes by blending Method for Alkaline Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells

Chang Hong-Ming (1), Lue Shing-jiang (1)*

(1) Chang Gung University - Taiwan - Taiwan

This research focused on improving direct methanol alkaline fuel cell (DMAFC) performance using hydroxide-potassium-doped polybenzimidazole /reduced-graphene oxide (PBI/RGO/KOH) electrolytes. The RGO was prepared using hydrazine/sodium borohydride from GO and functionalized with C-N functional groups. The RGO composite had higher ionic conductivity and decreased methanol permeability than the pristine PBI. A power density (Pmax) of 240 mW/cm­² was obtained for a DMAFC employing PBI/0.1 wt% RGO/KOH electrolyte at 80 °C with 2 M methanol and 6 M KOH as the anode feed, much higher than the Pmax using PBI film (172 mW/cm­²). To the best of our knowledge, this Pmax is among the highest reported values in the literature for DMAFCs.