pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S09 - Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
Oral Presentation

Development of a High Speed Extrusion Concept using a floating Screw Sleeve for Solid-Melt-Separation

Karrenberg Gregor (1)*, Wortberg Johannes (1)

(1) University of Duisburg-Essen - NRW - Germany

The High-Speed-S-Truder with floating screw sleeve is an alternative extrusion concept with solid-melt-separation. A fairly conventional 35 mm screw with a length of 21 D, which is accelerated by a 75 kW gearless, water cooled synchronous drive, conveys the resin into a 60 mm screw sleeve with a length of 10 D. Inside the sleeve the material is plasticizied and discharged into the outer screw channel of the sleeve through radial bores. Only the solid bed remains inside. The development of a melt pool - and thus a decrease of the plasticizing capacity - is avoided. The sleeve is rotated by drag forces only (approximately 10−15 % of the screw speed). Due to the low speed of the screw sleeve molten material is conveyed to a 4 D Dynamic Mixing Ring in a gentle manner. The DMRs floating ring and the screw sleeve are directly coupled. The granules in the screw channel are stopped by a barrier on the screw in front of the mixing device. So nearly no unmelted material can pass the system. For temperature management in the plastification and mixing zone a 3-zone heating/air-cooling system is used. Various kinds of experiments with the High-Speed S-Truder were conducted. Reachable throughputs with different types of material (PE-LD, PE-LLD, PP, PS) have been tested. Also three screw geometries, which are mainly varying in the channel depth, were compared. In addition to that, the influences of high heating rates on high speed processing have been investigated. Experimental results and theoretical background will be described in this paper.