pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S21 - DRG: Fundamental and Applied Rheology
Keynote Presentation

Combined methods in Rheology: Rheo-SAXS, Rheo-NMR and Rheo-Dielectric to bridge length and time scales

Wilhelm Manfred (1)*

(1) KIT - Baden-Württemberg - Germany

Rheology as the science of flow and deformation of matter measures in general forces (torque and normal forces) and displacement of materials. Regularly rheology wants to establishment the interplay of molecular structure and mechanical properties. Both quantities often differ in their internal length scale starting from 10-9 m to 10-2 m and time scales covering 10-8 s to 10+2 s. Furthermore mechanical deformation e.g. shear can lead to oriented structures or crystallization if non-linear shear is applied. Consequently there is a need to conduct in-situ molecular characterization techniques during rheological measurements if non-linear shear, e.g. large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) in combination with FT-Rheology is applied. Within this presentation we would like to present three recent developments within our group to investigate short length scale dynamic measurements (< 1-2 nm) via rheo-NMR, molecular size (Rg) measurements (ca. 10 – 50 nm) and structural correlations via Rheo-SAXS measurements. The experimental realization and first experiments will be presented in detail. 1. T. Meins, K. Hyun, N. Dingenouts, B. Struth, M. Wilhelm; New insight to the mechanism of shear-induced macroscopic alignment of diblock copolymer melts by a unique and newly developed Rheo-SAXS combination; Macromolecules 45 (2012) 455 2. S. Kahle, M. Hehn, H.P. Raich, W. Nussbaum, P. Blümler, M. Wilhelm; Combination of NMR relaxometry and mechanical testing during vulcanisation; Kautsch. Gummi Kunstst. 61 92 (2008) 3. T. Meins, N. Dingenouts, J. Kübel, M. Wilhelm; In-situ Rheo-Dielectric, ex-situ 2D-SAXS and FT-Rheology investigations of the shear induced alignment of Poly(styrene-b-1,4-isoprene) diblock copolymer melt; Macromolecules 45 (2012) 7206