pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S06 - Biopolymers and Polymer from Renewable Resources
Poster Presentation

ADMET polymerization of biobased monomers deriving from syringaresinol

Hollande Louis (1), Jaufurally Abdus Samad (1), Ducrot Paul-Henri (2), Allais Florent (1)*

(1) Chaire ABI - AgroParisTech - Reims - France, (2) INRA - AgroParisTech - Versailles - France

Renewable a,w-dienes have been prepared from bromo-alkenes and syringaresinol, a naturally occurring bisphenol deriving from sinapic acid, using a chemo-enzymatic synthetic pathway then studied as monomers in ADMET polymerization with Hoveyda-Grubbs II catalyst. All monomers and polymers have been thoroughly characterized using NMR, GPC, DSC and TGA. ADMET polymerization was optimized with regard to catalyst loading and reaction medium (in mass vs. in solvent), which led to polymers with molecular weight up to 14.1 kDa. Thermal analyses of these new polymers showed excellent thermal stabilities (257-360 °C) and tunable Tg (18-70 °C) depending on the chain length of the alkene in the a,w-diene monomer. KEYWORDS: polyesters, ADMET polymerization, a,w-dienes, syringaresinol, bisphenol, lignin