pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S21 - DRG: Fundamental and Applied Rheology
Oral Presentation

Evaluation of Thermal Gelation Behavior of Different Cellulose Ether Polymers by Dynamic Oscillating Rheology

Balaghi Sima (1)*, Edelby Yamen (1), Senge Bernhard (1)

(1) Institute for Food Technology, Department of Food Rheology, TU Berlin - Berlin - Germany

Hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose (HPMC) and methylcellulose (MC) are cellulose ethers which can be dispersed in water and used as thickeners, binders, film formers, and water-retention agents due to their hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics. In food technology they are very often used because they are able to imitate organoleptic and physical properties of fat. There are three main factors, which influence the properties of modified celluloses. First, the type of substitution of the cellulose, secondly, degree of polymerization (dp) and thirdly, the degree of substitution of the chain. In present study, four types of food grade HPMC (E464) including Methocel K4M, K250M, F4M, E19, and one type of non-food grade HPMC, Methocel J, in comparison with two types of MC (E461) including Methocel A4M and A40M were examined. The flow and thermal gelation properties of the mentioned ethers at concentration of 2% have been studied using Rheometer MCR301 with measuring system of CC-27/P1. Flow measurement (at 20°C and shear rate range of 0.01-100/s, 100/s, 100-0.01/s), temperature sweep (heating from 20 °C to 80 °C and then re-cooling to 20 °C linearly with a rate of 1 K/min at γ = 0.001 and f =1 Hz) and frequency sweep (at γ = 0.001 and frequency range of 0.01-50 Hz) were used to reveal the differences between the functionalities and gel properties of the cellulose ethers, which were of various degrees of methylation and hydroxypropylation. In the formed gels of these cellulose ethers, the gel network is formed by hydrophobic association of chains, showing very specific properties like gel setting during heating and gel melting during cooling process. According to our findings, the degree of methylation and hydroxypropylation affected drastically the heat-induced gelation of the examined cellulose ethers. All of the differences in terms of structure development rate (dG'/dt) during biopolymer gelation and structure loss rate (-dG'/dt) during gel melting were elucidated.