pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Keynote Presentation

PVOH Based Barrier Coatings: A Matter of Interface

Silverwood Richard James (1), Ballen Claudia Yaneth (1), Tabatabaei Seyed Hesamoddin (1), Ajji Abdellah (1)*

(1) École Polytechnique de Montréal - Québec - Canada

Various materials allow the implementation of barrier properties to multilayer structures. This study explores the versatility and limitations of coating as a means to an industrial implementation of high barrier properties based on polymer/nanoparticles solutions. This is done thru comparison of the performance of various substrate films in the lab scale as well as the effect of processing parameters for waterborne coatings applied with a flexographic printing press designed for solvent borne inks. Process parameters studied included the effect of moisture, line speed, application of an ink layer and lamination with a solvent-less adhesive. Our study stresses the importance of surface compatibility of the multiple layers involved. All the coatings were done with a layer of modified polyethylenimine (PEI) primer, followed by one or more polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) layers. In the lab scale, corona treated films were found to perform the best with the selected chemistry. Also, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and Nylon provided excellent oxygen transmission rates of 0.068 cc/(100in2*day) and 0.079 cc/(100in2*day) respectively. These low values compete with PVDC coated films that were analysed and used as references. This combination of coating and application process proved to perform adequately in attaining high barrier properties.