pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Oral Presentation

Melt spinning of modified PP and PP/EOC blends prepared by continuous electron induced reactive processing

Al Rahhal Samer (1), Brünig Harald (1)*, Gohs Uwe (1), Heinrich Gert (1)

(1) Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. - Germany - Germany

Polypropylen (PP) is known as a thermoplastic material with lot of advantages as low cost, low density, chemical resistance, well processability, etc. The simultaneously melt spinning of PP and glass filaments (Online Hybrid Fiber Spinning) opens the possibility to produce hybrid yarns for glass fiber reinforced composites using textile processes. However, the applications of PP in electrical and automotive industries as matrix material for endless fiber reinforced composites are limited because of its low stiffness, low tensile strength, insufficient impact strength. Improving the poor mechanical properties of PP to get at least a low cost high performance material that benefits the requirements of modern reinforced light weight constructions seems to be a challenge of our time. In the presented work, PP and blends of PP and maleic anhydride functionalized PP and/or ethylene-octene copolymer (EOC) were prepared by electron induced reactive processing (EIReP) using various blend ratios at low electron doses (up to 18 kGy) and fixed electron energy of 1.5 MeV. Melt spinning trials of the modified PP and PP/blend materials were carried out by means of an industrial near extruder spinning equipment to investigate the spinnability and to get optimum spinning parameters as well as the effects of blend components and electron beam irradiation to the mechanical properties of as-spun fibers. It is well known, that blending PP with 2.5mass-% EOC increase the Charpy impact strength but has no or lowering effect to E-modulus. The treatment with electron beam allows further improvements. The presentation shows, that under well balanced conditions, significant improvement of adhesion and impact strength as well as modulus for the modified PP-matrix material can be reached. As example, the figure below shows the increase of tensile modulus in dependence on electron dose for low oriented melt spun PP/EOC blend fibers.