pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S09 - Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
Oral Presentation

Extrusion of CoContinuous Immiscible Blends

Batch Gibson L. (1)*, Trifkovic Milana (2), Hedegaard Aaron (3), Macosko Christopher W. (4)

(1) 3M - MN - USA, (2) University of Calgary - Alberta - Canada, (3) University of Minnesota - MN - USA, (4) Univeristy of Minnesota - MN - USA

CoContinuous blends can achieve unique properties and microstructure for applications in light management, filtration, and drug delivery. This paper will examine the structure for three blends, one without a compatibilizer (PP/PS) and two with a compatibilizer (PP/PS/Kraton and (HDPE/PEO/PEx). These blends were compounded either on a twin screw extruder or a single screw extruder, then cast into a film by a chill roll with some extensional draw. Morphology was observed by SEM, solvent extraction, and LSCM (laser scanning confocal microscopy). We relate the structure and properties to processing conditions.