pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Oral Presentation

Preparation of antimicrobial Nano-fibrous membrane developed from PAN nanofibers functionalized with CTAB using for Water microfiltration

Hajabolghassemriahi Camellia (1), Bazgir Saeed (2)*, Vaziri Yazdi Sayed Ali (2)

(1) Chemical Eng. Dept.,Tehran science and research branch, Islamic Azad University - Tehran - Iran, (2) Polymer Eng. Dept., Tehran science and research branch, Islamic Azad University - Tehran - Iran

Amongst all natural resources on earth, water is facing a serious threat due to adverse humanistic actions. Nowadays our focus is on improving existing methods and finding new ones for decontaminating water from pollutions in order to renew our natural water resources. The electrospining method will give us the ability to develop a more dense nanofibrous membrane to be used in microbial filtration. A 15 wt.% solution of PAN in demethylformamid (DMF) was prepared. PAN/CTAB solutions were then prepared by adding different concentrations of cetyltrimethylammoniym bromide (CTAB) as biocidal agent. A 5 ml syringe was filled with polymer solution, equipped with a flat-tipped stainless steel 20-gauge needle and loaded into the syringe pump. The power supply was connected to the needle tip, set to 18kV and the syringe pump flow rate was set to 0.1 ml/h. Spinning of nanofibrous membranes was done in different durations ranged between 0.5-1.5 hours. Fibers morphology was characterized utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy and FTIR. The result of SEM observations shows electrospun PAN nanofibrous mat average fiber diameter of 165 ± 20 nm. Due to testing the filters’ efficiency, membranes were employed in a custom designed continuous semi pilot system. This system is equipped with a diaphragm booster pump, flow meter, differential pressure gauge manometer, input and output containers, silicon tubes and a stainless steel filter holder. We made sure the filters and system was sterile. For disinfecting the system, it was washed with percidine and then four times with sterile distilled water. 1.5 lit of artificial waste water (by E-coli) with a flow rate of 6 lit/h was passed through the filter in the system. Samples were collected before and after filtration. Microbial culture test, spectroscopy and EC meter were conducted to observe the physical and antimicrobial effects of PAN and PAN-CTAB filter showed a great result of more than 90% bacterial removal.