pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S21 - DRG: Fundamental and Applied Rheology
Oral Presentation

Flow and Sol-gel Transition Behavior of Two Types of Methylcellulose at Various Concentrations

Edelby Yamen (1)*, Balaghi Sima (1), Senge Bernhard (1)

(1) Technische Universität Berlin - Berlin - Germany

Methylcellulose is an important cellulose ether which has been used in the food and pharmaceutical industries for many years as an emulsifier, medicine constituent, stabiliser, viscosity controller and flow controller. Methylcellulose of low molecular weight can be used as a surfactant or coating while methylcellulose of high molecular weight can be used as a viscosity controller. In this study, the flow and oscillatory properties of two types of Methylcellulose, A4M and A40M, have been investigated using Rheometer MCR301. Flow measurement, frequency sweep and temperature sweep were used to characterize the rheological behaviour of the Methylcellulose dispersions and hydrogels (0.25-2%). By temperature sweep, the temperature dependence of G` and G`` as well as loss tangent were observed by heating the system from 20 °C to 80 °C and then recooling to 20 °C linearly with a rate of 1 K/30 s at deformation 0.001 and frequency 1 Hz. The frequency sweep was performed at deformation of 0.001 and frequency range of (0.01-50 Hz). According to our findings, A40M and A4M both indicated pseudoplastic behaviour but the consistency coefficient of A40M at 20 °C were significantly higher than A4M. The consistency coefficient of all samples increased after 24 hour. A40M and A4M indicated four regions at temperature sweep spectrum, namely, sol, sol-gel transition, gel and gel-sol regions. Sol region for 1% A40M at 61°C ended and the sol-gel transition at temperature range of 61-71 °C occurred. At temperature range of 71-80 °C the sample entered to the gel region and at 39 °C the sample began to turn again into a sol. Approximately, the corresponding temperatures of the four regions for A4M, were approximately similar to A40M. The gel points of A40M and A4M decreased from about 66 °C for 0.5% to about 63 °C for 2%. Although, the flow behavior of two types of methylcellulose at 20 °C is significantly different, the formed hydrogels by them behaved relatively identical.