pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S09 - Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
Oral Presentation

Novel Rotation Extrusion Technology of Polymer Pipes

Wang Qi (1)*, Nie Min (1), Bai Shibing (1), Guo Yue (1), Han Rui (1)

(1) State Key Lab of Polymer Materials Engineering, Polymer Research Institute, Sichuan University - Sichuan - China

This paper reported a novel rotation extrusion processing technology of polymer pipes with excellent performances. Enlightened by the feature of natural pipe bamboo that axial alignment of bamboo fibrils leads to extremely easy axial cracking but difficult transverse cracking, we proposed that the alignment of reinforcing phases off the axial direction can greatly enhance performances of polymer pipes, and developed a novel polymer pipe rotation extrusion equipment, which facilitated the independently adjustable rotation of mandrel and die as well as simultaneous cooling of inner and outer walls, so as to generate a complex thermal-mechanical history different from that in the convention extrusion and to form the reinforcing phases off the axial direction. The rheological analysis on the four different rotation extrusion modes demonstrated that with the superposition of axial flow and drag flow, the polymer melts underwent a helical flow, depending on rotation mode, speed and radial position. The temperature across the pipe was adjusted by simultaneously cooling inner and outer walls of the pipe to control the formation and growth of the reinforcing phases. As a result, the reinforcing phases at different levels (oriented molecules, shish-kebab crystals, in-situ forming fibers, added fibers, etc) off axial direction were generated, greatly improving performaces of the pipes, e.g., rotation extruded PE pipes with shish kebab crystals off the axial, PP pipes with oriented β crystals off the axial, as well as PP pipes with only 0.5wt% glass fibers off the axial showed much higher hoop tensile strength and longer crack initiation time as compared with the pipes prepared by convention extrusion, confirming that rotation extrusion is an efficient and convenient way to make polymer pipes with higher performances. Acknowledgements: we are grateful for the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51127003, 51121001).