pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Poster Presentation

Corn-Bran as an Alternative Cellulosic Filler in Polypropylene Matrix

Can Buse Nur (1)*, Kuman Aylin (1), Gozutok Cansu (1), Ozkoc Guralp (1)

(1) Kocaeli University - Kocaeli - Turkey

Recently natural fibers from bio-renewable resources have attracted considerable interest from research community owing to their unique intrinsic properties such as biodegradability, availability, environmental friendliness, flexibility, easy processing and very high mechanical properties. Natural fibers have been frequently used as the reinforcement component in polymers to add the specific properties in the final product. Natural fiber-based materials are finding their applications in a number of fields ranging from automotive to biomedical devices. Corn bran (CB), the hard outer shell of corn that protects the grain from the elements, is a source of natural cellulosic fibers. In this study, the applicability of corn-bran fibers as a reinforcing filler in polypropylene (PP) matrix was investigated. The properties of CB/PP composites were compared with wood fiber reinforced PP composites. In order to enhance the interfacial adhesion, maleated-PP (PP-g-MAH) was used. The composites were prepared in an Xplore laboratory compounder. The standard samples were obtained via injection molding. The mechanical and thermal properties were obtained via tensile tests and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), respectively; and the morphology was investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that at lower concentrations, CB was competitive to WF in terms of tensile properties. The response of the fiber in the presence of compatibilizer was dominate in the case of WF with aspect to CB. It was shown that CB is an alternative candidate to be used as reinforcing natural fiber source for thermoplastic composites. Keywords: Natural fibers, corn-bran, polypropylene, wood fiber, mechanical properties