pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S09 - Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
Oral Presentation

Multilayer Co-Extrusion of High Viscosity Elastomer Systems

Harris Patrick J. (1)*, Carson Sidney O. (2), Gadley Jesse L. (2), Maia Joao M. (1)

(1) Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland - USA, (2) Case Western Reserve University - OHIO - USA

This research work presents the first developed multilayer co-extrusion system for high viscosity elastomeric materials. Three unvulcanized rubber materials were chosen; two butyl rubbers and a polyisoprene. The elastomers were characterized under oscillatory shear conditions and placed into either a rheologically ‘matched’ or a ‘mismatched’ category. Multilayer co-extrusion was achieved for a total of 8 layers and 32 layers; with two different extrusion rates. Results from each of the rheologically matched and mismatched co-extrusion runs displayed good layering performance with only minor extrusion instabilities, which opens the door to whole new range of applications of the continuous multi-layering technology. Interestingly, the rheologically mismatched system showed a slightly better average layer thickness with a more stable variation coefficient compared to the rheologically matched system.