pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S09 - Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
Poster Presentation


Oliveira Éder Costa (1)*, Echegoyen Yolanda (2), Cruz Sandra Andrea (1), Nerin Cristina (2)

(1) Federal University of ABC - São Paulo - Brazil, (2) University of Zaragoza - Zaragoza - Spain

The increasing consumption of polymers for use in food packaging has been causing environmental impacts. In view of this scenario, research involving recycled resins for food contact materials has been developed with the purpose of increasing the time of this product in the commercial chain. Thus, various technologies have been studied to allow the use of recycled polymers for food contact. In this study, recycled PET was contaminated to simulate the worst case of misuse of PET packaging. The levels of decontamination were evaluated after steps of reprocessing PET contaminated resin. Migration analyses were performed using food simulants and quantification of contaminants was performed by gas chromatography. Detection limits lower than values given by the legislation were achieved for almost all contaminants.