pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Oral Presentation

The Development of the Polyamide Filament Knitted Fabrics with Anti-mosquito, Anti UV, and Cooling Functions Using Chemical Synthesis Method

Chin Chih-Ping (1), Liu Jen-Yung (2)*, Cheng Kou-Bin (1), Chang Jing-Tang (2), HUANG FU-LIANG (2)

(1) Department of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University - Taichung - Taiwan, (2) Textile and Material Industrial Research Center, Feng Chia University - Taichung City - Taiwan

The innovation of these knitted fabrics is to use cooling fiber whose raw material is not physical compounded by traditional twin screw method, but synthesized directly by one single step chemical polymerization process. The functional powder is well-disturbed in the polymer solution while polymerization. The advantage is from the features of shorter processes, save energy and lower cost, etc. The results show that cooling additive slurry with 33% solid content and 67% DI water are directly mixed with precursors during polymerization. The best performance of cooling slurry suspension for added PPG and sodium pyrophosphate for dispersant compound ratio is 1:2, it has the best average particle size is 345.06nm, and -38.83mV for zeta potential measurement. Furthermore, the suspension could be conserved more than three days without sedimentation, and also the relative viscosity of polyamide 6 cooling chips is 2.184. Finally, we melt-spin the polyamide 6 filament and blend with the composite yarn with the function of anti-mosquitoes and anti-UV fiber. The product is under the test of dynamic thermal image outdoor one hour running that the ΔT is more than 0.9 ℃, and static indoor 5 hours running that ΔT is more than 1.0 ℃. We also got excellent cooling effect. In order to raise the color fastness to light of knitted fabric, the technique of dye select should be noticed. The composite and outdoor leisure series products were also proposed. These knitted fabrics have the cooling feeling, anti-mosquitoes and anti-UV function is over 50+.