pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S12 - Fiber, Films, and membranes
Oral Presentation

Development of Improved Ultra Violet Light Resistance Multilayer Films

Silverwood Richard James (1)*, Tabatabaei Seyed Hesamoddin (1), Ajji Abdellah (1)

(1) École Polytechnique de Montréal - Québec - Canada

Packaged product lifetime improvement is one of the main features and objectives of food packaging. With high interest in transparent flexible packaging as an attractive alternative to other types of packaging solutions, the need to impart ultraviolet light (UV) blocking properties to the multilayered films constituting the flexible package has become obvious. This study overviews some solutions to impart UV resistance properties to clear films and an evaluation of the performance of various additives. At additives contents of 0.3%, LLDPE films with a thickness of 55 microns provided a significant barrier to ultraviolet light with total transmissions in the UVB range of 1.6% for Chiguard 1064®. Other additives showed total transmissions of 5.5%, 9.7% and 39.7%. Finally, we present some of our work to reconcile UV blocking additives and food safety through tailoring of a multilayer structure to prevent additive migration. To achieve this objective, an experimental array including the influence of the matrix and adjacent layer composition as well as its encapsulation in a multilayer structure was performed. The most efficient additive's migration was tracked using high precision liquid chromatography (HPLC).